The programs featured image
Retreat Guru is the online booking agent for Institute of Ancestral Ceremonies.


Thank you for your interest in our retreat. We are looking forward to welcoming you!
Please follow the registration steps below. After this, you will be invited to an intake call. If you are accepted, we will finalize your booking.

Please note: The $50 registration fee is non-refundable and covers your intake call.
If you are accepted, this will be deducted from the overall retreat donation. If you are taking medication, have a family or personal mental health history, please contact us before continuing your registration.
* These fields are required

1 Welcome

2 Energy Exchange

3 Participant Info

4 Policies

5 Donation

Retreat Guru is the online booking agent for Institute of Ancestral Ceremonies.
Charges will appear on your bill as "Retreat Guru"